Synthetic vs. Natural: Which Type of Vitamin E Is Better for Shire Horses?

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Are you a horse lover or hostler looking for ways to ensure your Shire Horses are healthy? As with any animal, proper nutrition keeps them strong and vibrant. 

Vitamin E is one of the most important vitamins in a balanced equine diet, but when it comes to choosing between natural and synthetic sources – which should you opt for? 

In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of both types of Vitamin E so you can make an informed decision about what will best suit your horse’s needs. You’ll also find out more about other vital nutrients that all horses need and discover why natural-source products tend to be preferred by many owners. 

So join us as we dive deeper into these essential questions – let’s get started!

What is the difference between natural and synthetic vitamin E horses?

Horses, like people, require regular vitamins to remain healthy and strong. Natural vitamin E is a form of fat-soluble antioxidant found in various plant sources, such as alfalfa and wheat germ oil. 

Synthetic vitamin E is derived from petroleum-based compounds or isolated in a lab setting. Both forms provide horses with similar health benefits, however, synthetic vitamin E supplements tend to be more concentrated. 

Natural sources of vitamin E are often used as a preventative measure to help maintain overall wellness. In contrast, synthetic forms are oftentimes used to address issues related to muscle recovery or immune system deficiencies. 

While natural sources of vitamin E may offer health benefits without potential side effects, it can also be good practice for horse owners to consult with a veterinarian before incorporating any type of supplement into an existing dietary routine.

What form of vitamin E is best for horses?

Knowing what form of vitamin E is best for horses can seem confusing and overwhelming. But don’t worry! Natural forms of vitamin E are generally considered safer and more beneficial to horses, as opposed to synthetic forms. 

Natural forms of vitamin E, such as d-alpha-tocopherol, occur naturally in plants and animals. For horses specifically, these natural forms can help prevent muscle wasting and provide relief from inflammatory issues like arthritis. 

Plus, they are usually available in convenient supplement forms like powders and pellets, so you won’t have to worry about working them into your horse’s daily routine. Vitamin E becomes even more important if your horse has a strenuous workload or is competing in sports like racing or dressage. 

So don’t be intimidated by the various forms of vitamin E – just remember that natural forms are often the way to go for keeping your horse healthy!

Is natural vitamin E better than synthetic vitamin E?

With so many different vitamins and products on the market claiming to boost our health, it can be confusing to know which ones are best for us. It’s no surprise that when it comes to vitamin E, we may want to consult a nutritionist for advice. 

Natural vitamin E is sourced directly from food sources, while synthetic versions come from laboratory processes. While both contain the same types of active compounds, these enzymes are often more easily absorbed by the body when they come from a natural source. 

Research shows that natural vitamin E may produce higher concentrations in the blood and have a greater effect on cholesterol than synthesized varieties. Ultimately, you should discuss with your doctor which type of vitamin E is right for you.

Can horses absorb synthetic vitamin E?

When it comes to equine nutrition, one important factor is the absorption of vitamin E. It’s long been known that horses can naturally absorb vitamin E from food sources such as green plants and grains, but can they absorb synthetic vitamin E? 

The answer is yes! Synthetic vitamin E is just as beneficial to horses as natural sources – providing a great source of antioxidants and helping strengthen their immune system. In addition, it promotes healthy skin, coats, and hooves which all contribute to your horse’s overall health. 

Whether you choose to get your horse’s dietary supplement through natural or synthetic means – rest assured that your horse will still get the right amount of essential nutrients in their diet.

How many mg of vitamin E does a horse need?

A horse’s daily requirement of vitamin E can depend on their breed, age, and lifestyle, but the recommended amount for most horses is 1000 to 4000 International Units per day. This equates to about 30 to 120 milligrams (mg) of vitamin E. 

Horse owners should consult their veterinarian when determining the exact amount of vitamin E that their horse needs to get the best results from their supplement regimen and ensure optimal health for their animal companions. 

Vitamin E helps to protect a horse’s body from damage due to environmental pollutants, exercise stress, and allergies – all factors that contribute to poor overall health. It’s important to always keep track of your horse’s vitamin E intake to see if they need more or less so that they remain healthy throughout life.

What is the best water-soluble vitamin E for horses?

When it comes to choosing the best water-soluble vitamin E for horses, based on their overall health, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. The form of vitamin E that is most suitable will depend on factors such as the condition of the horse and its dietary requirements. 

Many vitamins are specifically formulated for horses and may vary depending on age, activity level, feed type, and climate. NaturVet Vitamin E Plus is a popular choice, as it’s designed for horses of all ages and breeds, offering superior antioxidant protection from free radicals in trace amounts due to its high potency. 

However, doing a bit of research beforehand to identify which option would be best for a particular horse is essential – because taking shortcuts can negatively impact the long-term health of your four-legged friend.

How do I know if my horse is getting enough vitamin E?

Knowing that your horse is getting enough vitamin E is essential for their long-term health and well-being, but it can be tricky to determine. 

A deficiency in vitamin E can lead to muscular issues such as ataxia and an increased risk of developing other diseases, so making sure your horse’s needs are met should be a priority. An easy way to ensure your horse gets enough vitamin E is by adding a supplement to their diet. 

This can be done with either feed-based supplements or ground-up grains rich in vitamins, like wheat germ oil or flaxseed meal. Once added, watch for signs such as dull coats or rough manes and tails that could signal a lack of nutrients and take action accordingly. 

With proper supplementation, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that your beloved horse is receiving all they need to stay healthy!

What does vitamin E help with in horses?

Vitamin E plays an integral role in the health of horses, helping their bodies with everything from muscle and nerve maintenance to the functioning of their internal organs. Even more important is its ability to boost a horse’s immune system, protecting them from infections and diseases. 

Since it cannot be produced naturally, it must be supplied through hay supplementation or a balanced diet that includes vitamin-rich foods. Additionally, evidence has indicated that a proper supply of vitamin E can also help aid in healing after extensive treatments, as well as reduce bone loss due to aging. 

Overall, giving your horse the recommended amount of vitamin E helps keep him healthy and powerful, ready to tackle whatever comes his way.


The debate over synthetic vs. natural Vitamin E for Shire horses is ongoing and may never have a definitive answer. Ultimately, it will come down to the individual horse owners’ needs and their opinion of which form provides the best overall benefit to their stablemate. 

Natural Vitamin E comes at a higher cost than its synthetic counterpart, however, some people view this as an investment in their belovedShire’s health. On the other hand, synthetic Vitamin E has its place in many diets because of its lower cost and equally valid efficacy for maintaining healthy blood levels for these large animals. 

Ultimately, it is up to the owner to decide which form of Vitamin E is best for their horse, as no two Shires are alike. Whatever choice you make, just remember that your horse’s well-being should always be a top priority!

Matthew Flor

Matthew Flor

Hi, y’all! My name is Matthew Flor, and I’m from Ocala, Florida.
I’m a horse enthusiast, and one of my favorite breeds is the Shire horse.
In this blog, I’ll be sharing information about these amazing animals – everything from their history to their unique characteristics.

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